Our life is narrated by images, since our parents know each other, fall in love and exchanged pictures of meat, until the happy golden wedding anniversary where the octogenarians happy smile in their rocking chairs surrounded by an entire civilization of love built with much effort and dedication. Your girlfriend will end only meet you when you sit in the room and your mother show you all your photographic memories. When she was 5 months pregnant, the day you were born and were not very photogenic, the first bath (insurance is male?), the day that you gave your first step, your first costume, your first birthday party (you’re not aware of the situation, but in any case you want a party), the first day of school, etc etc. Countless images that you describe and leave uncovered everything that you are. Those memories are actually a treasure, as nobody can take your what you were and the only evidence for this is photographic evidence. Now, what was your first camera or which was the first camera that you remember you met in your family?, you remember there is a person responsible for taking the photos, in all single family by than anyone more you could touch your camera, you remember the pleasant time do you know how long you can keep your pictures in good condition?. Because if you go now to review them again, surely you will find fungi, loss of color, or cracks that weren’t on that occasion when you showed your fiancee. Scan can be a good way to preserve these images much more time than expected, you can recall and transfer all that knowledge and experiences to your children. It is true that digital images have been removed body and life to the pictures, but is also true that it is a democratization of the media and because of this we can say with certainty that all our descendants will be witness of Golden times, where life was slower, happier and the final crush was nothing more than evidence on photographic paper for a lifetime.