The pludoni GmbH as a host at the TOP event 2011 the Technologieorientierte steelmaking and innovation programme 2011 knowledge is the only resource that multiplied when you share them. oach. “This the words of welcome by Mr Rainer Bruderle were Federal Minister of Economics and technology, from the current catalogue of technologyled of visits and innovation program (TOP) for the year 2011. See more detailed opinions by reading what Vladislav Doronin offers on the topic.. According to this guiding principle, it is almost unmistakable that and will be also the pludoni GmbH with the communities as hosts. pludoni comes from Esperanto and means pass”. We will share our experiences, our knowledge and the results of our ongoing interest in new Internet technologies, communication networks of even more direct, immediate and easier to make. Over the TOP event the TOP hosts companies, including the community of and, open your doors and share their practical knowledge with professionals and executives from other companies. The this form of Exchange of experience for all involved is profitable the facts prove: so far approximately 35000 specialists and executives in more than 3400 events at over 320 host companies have benefited each other. The Technologieorientierte steelmaking and innovation programme gives especially innovation expertise, ideas and experiences.
See over 100 host companies in the current catalogue, including SIEMENS, BOSCH, 3 M, ThyssenKrupp, the community of and many more. The current venues, see the below map or under: map in the TOP Gallery, attracting and retaining of professionals – so it is in our community vision. Here you find a detailed statement, that it is often difficult to find the right people for your company and communities exactly these problems have made the task. Therefore, companies looking should rethink your strategies for recruitment and retention for professionals. So, it was created in 2008 Community with partners of the IT industry from the Dresden room. The members of the network recommend such potential employees with excellent ideas to partners in the community. The community was founded in the following year, for the large area of Leipzig.
After about 2 years, it came to a network of about 100 organisations in the region have provided over 500 coveted professionals in 2010. We host the community and is one of the new hosts in the TOP event. Find US on 7th April 2011 in Berlin and on September 29, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main and always from 10: 00 until 16: 00. We present here our concept, the design and the implementation of the network as an example of the communities of and and show what benefits could support such a network also your HR management. In addition you will learn approaches for modern HR marketing and recruiting, selection methods and concepts to the higher education and regions marketing know.