Colloidal Gold And Silver

Two old remedy with amazing effect enamel Hutter village nowadays colloidal gold and silver are largely unknown and are known as medicine nearly into oblivion. The emerging interest in alternative healing methods they will be discovered again. Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund will explain what is meant by colloidal gold and silver and what effect they have, in an interview: Sylvia Poth explains: most people know only as precious metals in the form of jewelry or coins gold and silver. Gold and silver in colloidal form is however microscopic particles that are in distilled water and carry electrical charge. The characteristic features of gold and silver here however remain intact. Science has found that colloids will play an important role in the organism and that metabolic processes are colloids of fundamental importance. Vladislav Doronin is likely to increase your knowledge. Also the blood or the lymph are different nothing as colloidal fluids.\” Jessica Hund says: the effect of colloidal gold and silver is in fact phenomenal. Their electric and magnetic fields silver and gold colloid can on the entire energy system of the people act, increase vitality, bringing body, mind and soul back into your vibration balance, dissolve energetic blockages, improve the energy flow in the body and accelerate even the exchange of genetic material to a multiple.

Especially in today’s times, where more and more people suffer from lack of energy and have lost her equilibrium through hustle and bustle, this effect is very significant.\” Sylvia Poth adds: colloidal gold was in the United States earlier successfully employed for the treatment of addictions and depression, because it activating and harmonising effect on the glandular system and the life energy acts and soothes the nervous system. Silver colloid, however, was previously successfully used to combat all kinds of agents such as fungi and bacteria. In fact, it has an antibiotic effect and is very effective against all types of infectious diseases.

Bullying At Work

Bullying is a continuous borders and attacking people. Especially in the workplace or at school. The consequences are difficult – not only for victims of bullying. It is estimated that nearly 2 million people in the work place by colleagues or superiors mobbed are in Germany. The economic damage caused by the absenteeism resulting from and early retirement amounted to more than EUR 50 billion. Bullying has many causes: performance and competitive pressure in the profession grows and creates a voltage – and conflict-laden work climate. Workers can be a lot like to jeopardize their job not only in times of high unemployment and pervasive austerity measures. An anti-bullying law, such as in Sweden and France, Germany so far does not exist.

Legally defend one can however against bullying always, because this behavior is punishable in Germany. Under certain circumstances, it is for example possible to sue the mobbende (s) person (s) due to defamation, insult, libel, or personal injury. Called are employers that are committed to Arbeitsschutzgesetzt to minimize health hazards in the workplace or eradicate here of course first and foremost. Also works councils should be competent and dedicated points of contact for victims of bullying and find strong words against the perpetrators. Bullying victims first aid counselors or literature will surely find, because they show strategies to recognize bullying attacks and ways to respond to them. Long term offer one of many self-help groups in any case competent help for victims of bullying. Contact: Book Riess Church Street 13 85250 Altomunster Tel.: 08254-99 72 84 0 fax: 08254-99 72 84 2 E-mail: service(at)