Natural mechanism for organizing perfection of life, "Any contradictions inherent to man, the human mind and in Nature there are none." Immanuel Kant. Happiness – it's no accident. Red Solo Cups can provide more clarity in the matter. Want to be happy all. But few people know that all of man's hope the will not come true blind chance, but according to the existing order of evolution in the organizational unit of nature. After devoting more than a decade research in this area, Gennady Oblasov forcefully argued that the only universal way to get rid of people from various accidents phenomena is the absence of disturbances in Biosistemnom device life.
Proof of correctness of this statement are the successful application in practice Biosistemnyh technology on the orders of hundreds of thousands of people and social organizations. They strongly suggest that any violation of the natural order inherent in biological systems, it is no impunity and encourages offenders to divide Biosistemnogo collapse, where they wait for the chaos, misery, disease and death. Any actions people take, hoping for a favorable outcome for yourself. Tying knowledge, make an appointment, signing a contract, the deal sets out on a wedding, etc., many at an early stage tend to agree and are trying to show goodwill. But it is necessary to plunge into the real concern, as once there are differences and doubts about the partner.
This in turn leads to more serious problems. Growing suspicion, distrust, fear, and has been unsuccessful partners scatter in different directions, as chuzhye. Even family ties can not keep them together.