In any part of the world found that colds and flu are most common during the winter months and when there are sudden changes in temperature. Flu is more accentuated by these epochs and is why these recipes and solutions stop fight the flu that we bring here are essential to better address this condition. 1 Evaluate your risk factors. Do you suffer from any disease such as diabetes, a chronic disease that clog your lungs or immune deficiency? Do you drink alcohol or you smoke too much? This kind of risk factors make you more susceptible of acquiring any variety of influenza or flu. 2 Check with your doctor any special consideration related to your risk factors, this also is essential for the prevention of influenza. Well, that was for the part of prevention, now move on to how to get better! 3. Follow the instructions of your doctor who usually consists of such basic things as rest, drink plenty of water, take pain relievers and stay away from others.
The general rule against influenza and fever to help stop the spread of the virus is socially isolated for 24 hours once your body temperature has normalized. Also follow the instructions of your doctor regarding remedies for flu and medicines that may be prescribed by you. 4 Wash your hands! Many viruses that affect the respiratory tract are difficult to remove and may remain active on any surface for many hours or even days. 5 Coughs and get breathing deep to clean your lungs at least four times a day. If the coughing becomes something uncomfortable you should hold a pillow or towel against any part of your chest where feels more pain with your breathing exercises. This method, referred to as splint therapy it will alleviate the pain and allow you to breathe deeply. 6. When your body tells you that you need to eat or drink, keep in mind some home remedies for the flu found in internet.
Do not eat fatty foods or difficult to digest. It begins slowly with easy to digest foods measure increases your tolerance. 7. When you’re ready to return to your regular activities of the trabajoo we create we are free of the flu, consider a few days of your free time so your body to readjust. Tell your boss that this rearrangement is in the best interest of the company, because that’s what! Return to work prematurely or full capacity may cause an undesired relapse that will ruin your body, without saying the discomfort you Struts to your colleagues.