
Heating specialist Wang invited his professional craft partners in June to a workshop in the technologie Centrum in Bissendorf. For a heating system to work optimally, it requires not only a sophisticated technique, but also a competent professional craftsman. Manufacturers and trade can benefit only hand-in-hand. For this reason, Windhager, the specialist invited wood heaters, its professional craft partners in June to a workshop in the technologie Centrum after Bissendorf. At the event in the vicinity of Osnabruck everything heating revolved around with pellets. Ranging from the production of small wood briquettes about the proper storage to their more efficient combustion. At the beginning of Dennis Reichelt of the Raiffeisen said Agil Leese producing of pellets as well as the delivery and storage of fuel short: the path of the saw chip up to the finished product.

Then Thomas Steiner, with Wang in Bissendorf introduced responsible for customer service and training in the basics of combustion. Here were the three subject areas Fuel, heat and oxygen to the heart. In this course, a fuel quantity measurement was performed directly on the burning BioWIN installed in the training room. In the subsequent discussion of the practice could clarified still further questions, suggestions and exchanged tips. For more information and dates for events at Windhager are available under in the seminar programme in 2013. Press contact Dieter last Office for press and public relations Dielingerstrasse 42 B 49074 Osnabruck +49(0)541/58 04 699